To Live in Salfit
Politics Uploaded: 25/07/2021 Duration: 6:04 Minutes Available in Hebrew
Salfit is the Palestinian capital of the Salfit Governorate and is home to about 11,000 people. Ariel, built in 1978, neighbors Salfit and is the largest settlement of many in the area. Other nearby settlements in the area include Yakir, Kiryat Netafim, Revava, Havot Yair, and more. In the past year, Palestinian residents of the area have seen settlers and the Israeli authorities dispossessing them of more and more land. Amer Abu Hijla proved that settlers built a pool on his land, but nevertheless he was the one to receive a restraining order and a fine. The agricultural areas of Wadi Qana has been declared a nature reserve, and therefore the Palestinians in the area are not allowed to cultivate their lands on the site. Nearby, settlers have been granted building permits for residences in the heart of the nature reserve. Language: