Jewish-Arab demonstration for equality
Uploaded: 06/02/2017 Duration: 4:42 Minutes Available in Hebrew
More than five thousands people attended a Jewish-Arab demonstration in Tel Aviv and called for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Public Security Minister Erdan resignations. Demonstrators and protesters chanted slogans in favor of equality between Arabs and Jews and for recognition of unrecognized villages.
Among the speakers was Amal Abu-Saad, the widow of Yaqub Abu al Qian, who was killed by police in the village of Um al-Hiran last January 18. Language: Hebrew Subtitles: English
Among the speakers was Amal Abu-Saad, the widow of Yaqub Abu al Qian, who was killed by police in the village of Um al-Hiran last January 18. Language: Hebrew Subtitles: English