Volunteers plant trees in Jalud, Palestinian children arrests in Silwan,
Asylum Seekers demonstrations ,Im Tirzu rally against refugees and the New Israel Fund. Language: English,
Tens of thousands marched to foreign embassies and the UN Refugee Agency in calling to apply pressure on the Israeli government. Language: Hebrew, English, Subtitles: English
Caregivers in Israel called on the Israeli government to adopt Convention C189 of the ILO for equal rights for domestic workers. Language: Hebrew, English, Subtitles: English
Migrants working in agriculture, are working in open spaces and are living in harsh conditions. we visited 15 Thai migrant workers employed in a greenhouse. Language: Hebrew, Subtitles: English
Dilapidated housing for migrants working in agriculture. The right to health for victims of the Citizenship Act. Army as a springboard into Israeli society. Language: Hebrew, Arabic, Subtitles: English
The freedom march of Sudanese asylum-seekers was for them, the the first time they saw landscape without fences, after a long period in an Israeli prison. Language: Arabic, English, Subtitles: English
Israel will begin deporting asylum-seekers to Uganda according to an agreement between the to countries. Senior officials later denied the announcement. Language: Hebrew, English, Subtitles: English
Microphone for Democracy on Social TV. Noa Shauer from "Worker's Hotline" tells about the living conditions of foreign workers working in agriculture in Israel. Language: Hebrew, Subtitles: English
Israel doesn't give asylum seekers a solution to their health distress, but this year, the Ministry of Health established a clinic aimed for refugees. Language: Hebrew, Subtitles: English
A Discussion about the implications of nuclear weapons. International Day Against Militarism in Education. Soldiers break silence. International Refugee Day. Language: Hebrew, Subtitles: English
Zabib Sultan, an asylum seeker from Eritrea who heads the Eritrean Women's Community Center, is sharing a shocking testimony about the way to Israel. Language: English, Subtitles: Hebrew