This Is My Duty, This Is The Most Israeli
Uploaded: 21/04/2017 Duration: 3:14 Minutes Available in Hebrew
Lets show "Im Tirzu" what it means to be an Israeli.
Watch Social TV Video that was rejected by the Im Tirtzu movement.
Im Tirtzu movement had launched a video competition with prizes of NIS 70,000 which presents a certain perspective of what it means being Israeli according to the values of the movement. They uploaded a video that will set an example to the values they want to promote
Social TV submitted a video created specifically for the competition, which corresponds to the video of Im Tirtzu, with values that are…well…quite different and challenging.
This week Im Tirzu's competitions website was launched and Social TV's video was not included as Im Tirzu is claiming it is " Offensive, humiliating, defamatory and inappropriate to the values of "Im Tirtzu" and that Social TV is actually a foreign agent" (Quote by Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu). Language: Hebrew Subtitles: English
Watch Social TV Video that was rejected by the Im Tirtzu movement.
Im Tirtzu movement had launched a video competition with prizes of NIS 70,000 which presents a certain perspective of what it means being Israeli according to the values of the movement. They uploaded a video that will set an example to the values they want to promote
Social TV submitted a video created specifically for the competition, which corresponds to the video of Im Tirtzu, with values that are…well…quite different and challenging.
This week Im Tirzu's competitions website was launched and Social TV's video was not included as Im Tirzu is claiming it is " Offensive, humiliating, defamatory and inappropriate to the values of "Im Tirtzu" and that Social TV is actually a foreign agent" (Quote by Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu). Language: Hebrew Subtitles: English